Kochi: Actor Nivin Pauly is expected to file a complaint with the state police chief S Darvesh Sahib, seeking an investigation into the woman who accused him of sexual assault in Dubai, under the guise of offering her a film role. Nivin consulted with his lawyers on Wednesday to discuss his legal options.
Legal action can be pursued only after fully reviewing the details of the complaint. So, Nivin's lawyer has requested key documents, including the FIR. The case was registered by the Oonnukal police in Ernakulam district. Nivin and his legal team will decide on the next steps after obtaining these records, expected later today.
Nivin may file a complaint with the DGP, claiming that the case against him is fabricated and requesting a thorough investigation. He might also approach the Sessions Court for anticipatory bail. Following the Hema Committee report, other actors like Mukesh, who faced similar allegations, took the same legal route. Another option being considered is to petition the High Court to dismiss the case. Nivin’s legal team is exploring all three possibilities. If they gather sufficient evidence, they may move to have the case quashed in the High Court.
The woman's complaint alleges that Nivin, producer KR Sunil, and four others assaulted her in Dubai between November and December 2023. She claims she gave her statement to a special investigation team, which led to the registration of the case. Nivin is listed as the sixth accused. Soon after the allegations surfaced, Nivin publicly denied all accusations.