A 63-year-old woman who was admitted to hospital after she was mown down by a two-wheeler succumbed to injuries here on Saturday. Susheela, a resident of Mundakkal, was grievously injured in an accident on Thursday evening. A two-wheeler knocked her down while she was crossing the road. She was put on a ventilator, and her death was declared on Saturday.

Kollam East police initiated a probe and found out that a 15-year-old boy from Pilleri rode the two-wheeler. Visuals showed that the boy came near the woman lying on the road, waited for a while and then rode off. The police tracked the vehicle number and reached his house. The boy hadn't told his parents about the accident. The two-wheeler is owned by his grandfather Johnson, police said.


The police have registered a case with sections dealing with causing death due to rash and negligent driving and pertaining to act endangering personal safety.

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