You can't buy happiness, but you can buy tea, and that's kind of the same thing - Any tea lover will vouch for this fact, as they turn to the 'hug in a mug' beverage for all things happy and sad. However, if at all you are not a tea drinker, you should know that there are some versions of the beverage that can help you heal various bodily issues, like a medicine. At a time when 'gut health is the new glow-up,' everyone is on the lookout for digestion-friendly foods and beverages. A modest yet potent drink can be made regularly with simple ingredients in your kitchen for gut health - ginger tea. Yes, it can give a hug and a kick in your gut at the same time with its flavours. 

The Cleveland Clinic says that it can calm your belly, ease morning sickness during pregnancy and naturally combat nausea. To make ginger tea, boil water and add slices of ginger root and spices like cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves, letting it simmer for a few minutes. Then, add tea leaves, steep for a few minutes, strain, and serve hot or cold with milk and sugar if desired. Here are a few ways in which you can have ginger tea for best results:

Ginger tea. Photo: Shutterstock/peterzsuzsa
Ginger tea. Photo: Shutterstock/peterzsuzsa

1) Add a dash of lemon juice to improve digestion and clear the stomach.
2) Drink the beverage on an empty stomach
3) Monitor reactions carefully. Do not overconsume the drink, as too much can irritate your stomach.
4) Don't add too much sugar; it can quiet down other ingredients and their soothing effect.
5) Make sure the ginger you use to make the tea is fresh.

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