Lifestyle and genetic factors play pivotal roles in making you a pre-diabetic. It is possible to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by making certain lifestyle changes. You could improve your health by following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and controlling your body weight. 
Balanced diet
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and healthy fats should be included in your regular diet. Besides, avoiding sugary treats, fizzy drinks, junk food, and processed food is better. A balanced diet regulates the blood sugar level while reducing the stress on the pancreas. 

Physical activities are required to improve insulin sensitivity and control the blood sugar level. You could enjoy mild exercises like swimming, walking and cycling for up to 150 – 180 minutes a week. Meanwhile, strength training would help in developing muscles. Besides reducing insulin resistance, regular workouts help maintain a healthy body weight. 
Body weight
Obese people should reduce their weight by 5 – 7 per cent to lead a healthy life. Such slight weight loss could improve insulin sensitivity and reduce fasting blood sugar. You could combine workouts with a balanced diet for healthy weight loss. 


Checking blood sugar
The blood sugar level should be checked regularly to understand how diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes have impacted the blood sugar. You could make necessary changes in your lifestyle based on the test results. 
Good sleep and a stress-free mind
Lack of proper sleep and stress could increase insulin resistance. Ensure you catch 7 – 8 hours of good quality sleep every night. Relaxing techniques like yoga, meditation and respiratory exercises could prevent stress. These factors could help you avoid diabetes and improve your general health and well-being.

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