Adv Sonia Sunny receives Pravasi Legal Cell's Best Activist Award

Pravasi Legal Cell's Best Activist Award being presented to Adv Sonia Sunny. Photo: Special arrangement

Adv Sonia Sunny has been awarded the Pravasi Legal Cell's Best Activist Award for 2023. She received the award for her outstanding work, including providing legal aid to hundreds of victims of overseas job scams and other issues, said Adv. Jose Abraham, Global President of Pravasi Legal Cell.

The award was presented to Adv Sonia Sunny by Ernakulam District Consumer Commission President D B Binu and former Kerala Human Rights Commission Chairman and current Pravasi Legal Cell Kerala Chapter President, Judge P Mohandas.

Pravasi Legal Cell is a non-governmental organization based in Delhi that works towards the legal empowerment of expatriates. Adv Sonia Sunny is the President of the UAE Chapter of Pravasi Legal Cell, which has representatives worldwide.

While international job opportunities can be exciting and rewarding, scams that promise false employment or lure victims into fraudulent schemes are rampant targeting unsuspecting job seekers with promises of high-paying jobs, luxurious living, and easy work visas.

These scams have resulted in financial losses and emotional distress for many. Fraudulent job offers in Dubai and other Gulf countries are common. Fake job offers in Canada, often requiring payment for visa processing or work permits, also lure several job-seekers in India to job traps.

Being wary of job offers received without applying or facing interviews, scrutinising fees for document processing (legitimate employers generally don't ask for payment for visa processing or work permits), examining the employer's details as fraudsters often don't provide company information or contact numbers, can help ward off deceits set by scammers.

Once a scam has been noticed or unearthed, it's important to file a complaint with the local police station. One can also report online scams to or email to: for assistance.

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