Alappuzha city gas pipeline works put on halt due to rain

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Representational image: Special arrangement

Alappuzha: The city gas pipeline project currently in progress in Alappuzha town has been temporarily put on halt because of the incessant rains. This was decided in a high-level meeting attended by MLAs U Pratibha, H Salam, P P Chitharanjan and Daleema Jojo, along with District Collector Alex Varghese and officials of National Highway Authority and various departments. Agriculture Minister P Prasad also took part in the meeting online.

Several roads in the town area have been dug up as part of the project. With the rains, the gathered mud in the sites has turned slippery posing a risk to pedestrians and motorists alike. Mud accumulated in front of schools would be removed, facilitating smooth access for students.

The Rs 3000 crore ambitious project which aims to bring Piped Natural Gas (PNG) directly to homes in the district first began in Cherthala municipality in December 2022. By August 2023, the work entered Alappuzha town limits. Earlier, it was expected that the pipe-laying works in Alappuzha town would be completed by April this year. The work on laying the gas pipeline throughout the district is expected to be completed in 8 years.

Thottappally sand bar may be cut
The high-level meeting also decided to cut the Thottappally sand bar in case of an emergency. All preparations were in place to cut the sand bar if and when the need arose. The cutting of the sand bar will allow the flood waters in the Kuttanad region to flow to the sea, thus saving the region from inundation.

The meeting also identified 56 spots along NH66 passing through the district where urgent steps were required to address the water logging issues. Steps would also be taken to pump out the water collected in the paddy fields in Purakkad to avoid the inundation of the region without delay.

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