Thiruvananthapuram: A 67-year-old differently abled woman was raped and murdered during a robbery attempt at Mangalapuram here, said police. She was found dead in the compound of her house on Tuesday morning. Police arrested the accused Thoufeeq, a native of Pothencode after identifying him through CCTV visuals. A robbery attempt was suspected as the woman's gold earrings were missing from the body, said police.

The accused was taken into custody while returning home after selling the stolen jewellery. Police also seized the ornaments.


The woman's semi-nude body was found covered with a dhothi on Tuesday around 7 am. She was living alone in a make-shift tent. Her sister who is living in the neighbourhood spotted the body. Bruises and injuries were found on the body. The autopsy confirmed that she was raped and murdered. Police registered rape and murder charges against the accused.

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