Pathanamthitta: Kerala Government employees are planning to move the court against the decision to curb the seat reservation extended to their children in the centrally funded Kendriya Vidyalayas (Kvs).

So far five seats in Class 1 were set aside for the children of State Government employees in KVs functioning on lands provided by the State Government or any of the government departments.


There were nearly 500 seats across 30 KVs in the state reserved for the children of government employees. However, as per the revised criteria released last year, only if vacant seats are left after allotting admission to children of Central Government employees and the staff of Public sector institutions would the quota for wards of State Government employees be provided.

The situation is such that not even a single seat is now available for children of such employees in districts, including Thiruvananthapuram and Ernakulam.


Earlier, the parents of a six-year-old girl child, who was denied admission to Class 1 following the stoppage of the quota, had approached the court. However, they didn’t proceed with the case after she got admission later.

The special quota for Members of Parliament too was done away with earlier.


The NGO Association will write to the Chief Minister, seeking the intervention of the State Government on the matter.

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