Apply for K-TET by November 17; hall tickets to be released on Dec 20

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The deadline to submit applications and fees online for the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) is November 17. K-TET is the eligibility exam to be appointed as a teacher in schools recognised by Kerala’s General Education Department.
Candidates should download the print after submitting applications and keep it safely. The application number and ID would be needed later to download the hall-ticket. The date for release of hall tickets is December 20. Candidates need not send the print of the application or copies of the certificates to the exam authorities.
Exam pattern
K-TET is conducted for four categories of teachers: Lower primary (LP); upper primary (UP); high school (HS) and language teachers (Arabic, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu – till upper primary level) including specialist (art & craft and sports).
A single application is sufficient for attempting any one or more categories of the exam. However, a fee of Rs 500 has to be submitted for each category. The fee is Rs 250 for scheduled and differently-abled applicants. Details regarding minimum qualifications for each category are given in the notification.
Questions for LP, UP and language teacher categories, except those on the specific language, will be in English and Malayalam. However, all questions in HS category, except those related to the language, would be in English.
There would 150 questions in the exam for each category, which have to be answered in 150 minutes. OMR answer-sheets will be provided to the candidates. There is no negative mark for wrong answers.
Qualifying score
Candidates have to secure a minimum of 60-percent marks in the test to qualify. The cut-off is 55 percent for scheduled and backward applicants and 50-percent for differently-abled. Even though no age-limit is specified for K-TET applicants, they would have to follow the rules in this regard to gain appointments. In other words, there is no assurance of employment on qualifying in K-TET.
A condition for the test is that a candidate cannot appear again in a category in which he or she had qualified earlier. Candidates also should mention one district as their preferred centre for the test.
Page 3 of the notification explains the exemptions available for candidates having qualifications such as C-TET, MEd, NET, SET, MPhil and PhD.
Contact details
The websites with the notification having details of the exam are:
Address: Office of the Commissioner of Government Examinations, Pareeksha Bhavan, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram – 695012. Phone: 0471 – 2546823. Email: