Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, and Amitabh Bachchan have a massive hit on their hands with 'Kalki 2898 AD', which has officially become a blockbuster. The film achieved a stunning global gross of over Rs 500 crore just within its first weekend, setting it on a path to shatter further records.
Directed by Nag Ashwin, 'Kalki 2898 AD' is a dystopian drama inspired by the Mahabharata. It has quickly become a cinematic force, crossing the Rs 500 crore mark worldwide and earning a place in India's coveted Rs 300 crore club. With rave reviews from critics and audiences alike, trade analysts predict the film could surpass Rs 800 crore in total earnings.
Released on June 27 in multiple languages and formats (2D and 3D), the sci-fi epic has been breaking records consistently. The film is not only a hit in India but has also set records in North America, becoming the highest-grossing Indian film during its opening weekend. According to Prathyangira Cinemas, it earned around Rs 87 crore in its debut weekend in North America alone.