Tamil actor Vishal and Anisha Alla Reddy got engaged in March are were all set to tie the knot on October 9 in Chennai. That's when rumours hit the online space saying the wedding was called off.
With Anisha taking down her photos with Vishal on Instagram, many even confirmed that the couple had parted ways. However, neither Vishal nor Anisha responded to the speculations.
But now, Anisha's latest post suggests that all is well between the couple and it's time for the rumours to die down.
Anisha took to Instagram to wish Vishal and shared an adorable photo with a lovely note. "Happy Birthday, Star :) You were born to shine. Forever will I cherish your beauty and being. Greatness is coming your way, dear one, I have faith. #Love Always," she wrote.
Probably, the best gift for Vishal!
The actor will turn 42 year old on Friday. He is currently shooting for Sundar C's movie Action and it is said that a teaser will be released on the actor's birthday eve.