Student found dead in college hostel in Kasaragod

Representational Image. Photo: Shutterstock images/Skyward Kick Productions

Kasaragod: A first-year computer science student was found dead at the EK Nayanar Memorial Government Polytechnic College hostel here in Thrikaripur on Friday morning. 
The deceased, Abhijith Gangadharan, 19, was a native of Bheemanady.

Since examinations were happening on campus, one of Abhijith’s friends went to collect his hall ticket from him on Friday morning. On finding Abhijith’s room locked, the friend tried to reach him by phone. But the device was switched off. Following this, he spotted Abhijith hanging inside the room. Though the friend broke open the door and brought him down, Abhijith couldn't be rescued.

"The student has not left any note. So we will have to investigate the reasons for him taking the extreme step," said Chandera Station House Officer - Inspector Manuraj G P. Preliminary investigation revealed that the student had a love affair, he added.
Abhijith is survived by his parents Gangadharan and Sajini and sister Aswathy of Bheemanady in West Eleri grama panchayat of Kasaragod.

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