Kozhikode: The Public Service Commission (PSC) has announced changes to examination centres in Nipah containment zones in Kozhikode.

Centre 1 and Centre 2, both at GHSS Beypore, have been moved to GVHSS Kuttichira near the Mishkal Masjid and VHSS Kundungal for the exams on September 26.


The PSC has announced that candidates with registration numbers 1132790 to 1133009 will have to appear for their exam at the Kuttichira school and those with numbers, 1133010 to 1133229, at Kundungal.

The district officer of PSC has advised the candidates to be present at their respective venues on time and with the admission tickets.


The various categories to which the exams are to be held: Blue printer (category No. 260/2022), watchman (Category No. 459/2022), last grade servants (category No. 734/2022), security guard/security guard grade 2, watcher grade2 (category number 745/2022) and last grade servants (exs-ervicemen only-category number 241/2022. 242/2022. 540/2022)

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