After cockroaches, houseflies are the most annoying pests, and they pose a serious health risk by spreading diseases such as cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and diarrhoea. Many people are searching for effective solutions to get rid of these buzzing nuisances that invade our kitchens, especially in the rainy season. Here are some simple and easy methods to keep houseflies at bay. While these tricks may not eliminate them completely, they can certainly help control the problem.

Lighting camphor is an effective way to ward off houseflies, as they can’t stand its aromatic smell. Frankincense (kunthirikam) can also help repel flies. Additionally, wiping surfaces with water mixed with camphor can be beneficial.

Orange peel
Orange peels can be a natural deterrent for houseflies. Placing pieces of orange peel, pierced with cloves, around your kitchen can help control the fly problem to a certain extent.

Tulsi (Holy Basil)
Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is not only known for its medicinal properties but also for its ability to repel houseflies. Scattering crushed tulsi leaves in different areas can help keep flies away.

Homemade flytrap
A homemade flytrap is one of the best ways to capture houseflies. Mix sugar or jaggery with water, or use mashed banana or pineapple with water, and place the mixture in a bottle. These sweet blends will attract houseflies, trapping them effectively.

Natural perfumes
Camphor oil, eucalyptus, spearmint, and lemongrass not only have pleasant fragrances but also help repel flies. Use them around your home for a dual benefit.



Apple cider vinegar can be used to repel houseflies. Mix a small amount of vinegar with liquid detergent and place the mixture in a container. The smell will attract the flies, and they will fall into the mixture, unable to escape.

By incorporating these tips, you can significantly reduce the housefly menace in your home.

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