Wild jumbo roams into Bharathiar University campus in Coimbatore, kills security officer

The deceased Shanmugham. Photo: Manorama News.

Coimbatore: A security officer was killed in a wild elephant attack at the Bharthiar University campus in Coimbatore on Thursday. The deceased is Shanmugham of Coimbatore.

He, along with other security officials, was trying to chase the elephant back into the forest when the incident happened. Though Shanmugham was rushed to the hospital, he was declared brought dead. Another security official Suresh Kumar sustained injuries in the attack.

Following the attack, the Tamil Nadu Forest Department officials reached the campus and chased the elephant back into the forest. However, as per reports, the elephant returned to the campus 30 minutes later and was roaming around the forest border area. The Coimbatore Forest Guard Team issued a warning and reached the campus.

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