The rehearsals for the upcoming Mazhavil Entertainment Awards 2023 are under way in Kochi. As many as 120 actors, who are part of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA), are participating in the rehearsal camp, which kicked off on July 28 at the Kochi Marriot Hotel. The award function, jointly organised by Mazhavil Manorama and AMMA, is expected to be telecast during Onam, this year.
Unlike last year an array of young actors, including Rajisha Vijayan, Nikhila Vimal, Aparna Balamurali, Shane Nigam, Neeraj Madhav, Shine Tom Chacko, will be participating in several shows organised as part of the Entertainment Awards ceremony.
Manju Pillai, who is an AMMA executive committee member, said the function is expected to be livelier due to the active participation of the younger actors.
AMMA president Mohanlal, general secretary Edavela Babu, treasurer Siddique, Mammootty, Shwetha Menon, Baburaj, Jagadish, Siddique, Tini Tom, Honey Rose, Rachana Narayanankutty, among others are also actively attending the rehearsal camp.