Thrissur: The youth who terrorised a school in Thrissur using an air gun reportedly bought the weapon for Rs 1,800 from Trichur Gun Bazar on September 28. The accused, Jagan of Mulayam, told the police that he saved the money given to him by his father to buy the air gun.
According to the staff of Vivekodayam Boys Higher Secondary School, an aided institution situated in Naikkanal, Jagan, who is an alumnus, reached the school around 10.15 am on Tuesday with an air gun. He came directly to the staff room and threatened the teachers before entering the classrooms and opening fire.
Some eyewitness accounts mentioned Jagan firing into the air thrice before entering the classrooms. The school authorities tried to stop him, but he tried to flee from the site. However, they managed to overpower him with the support of residents present outside the campus and handed him over to the police who reached the spot in minutes. Police, meanwhile, said Jagan is a drug addict.
According to school authorities, Jagan passed out of the school two years ago. He reached the institution demanding that teachers return his hat which was confiscated two years ago. He also threatened to burn down the school.
Jagan was supposed to appear for his SSLC examinations in March. He joined Vivekodayam after he was expelled from his previous school for assaulting his teachers.