'Lewd gestures visible from car's rear seat': Cops recreate scene to confirm Mayor's plaint

Arya Rajendran
When the bus stopped at Palayam, the mayor's car stopped in front of it, leading to the controversy. Photo: Manorama

Thiruvananthapuram: As part of the investigation into Mayor Arya Rajendran's complaint that KSRTC driver H L Yadhu made obscene gestures at her while driving, the police recreated the incident on Sunday night. The police conducted an elaborate scene-by-scene recreation from Pattom Plamoodu to PMG using a bus and car . The police said evidence that confirms the mayor's complaint had been obtained.

The police findings indicate that if the driver makes an obscene gesture, it can be seen by those seated in the back seat of the car. The police chose the exact time when the incident allegedly occurred for their examination.
Initially investigated by the Cantonment police, this case is now under the Museum police's scrutiny.
Mayor Arya Rajendran had previously given a confidential statement regarding the complaint against Yadhu. This statement was provided to the Judicial First-Class Magistrate Court 12.

On April 27, a heated exchange broke out between the mayor, her husband Balussery MLA Sachin Dev and KSRTC driver Yadhu. While the couple alleged that the driver made lewd gestures when their private vehicle overtook the bus, the driver claimed that he did nothing of the sort. Yadhu claimed that the mayor and her husband harassed him and interrupted his official duty. The memory card of the Digital video Recorder (DVR) inside the bus was missing soon after the incident

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