A glossy sheet printed with bold letters displaying the Preamble to the Constitution of India hangs from the walls of almost every household in a village named Chirakkadavu in Kerala's Kottayam district. If one is surprised to find the Preamble instead of the usual calendar or a photo on the wall, ask any Chirakkadavu resident and they will wax eloquent about the history of the Constitution, fundamental rights, duties and so on.

In a groundbreaking initiative, an incredible 30,000 residents—spanning children as young as 10 to senior citizens aced an official constitutional literacy examination, making the panchayat the first in the country to be declared 100% constitutionally literate.

The Preamble to the Constitution of India is being put up as a banner inside the Chirakkadavu panchayat office in Kerala's Kottayam district. Photo: Nithin Paul
The Preamble to the Constitution of India is being put up as a banner inside the Chirakkadavu panchayat office in Kerala's Kottayam district. Photo: Nithin Paul

The question papers, meticulously designed by the Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), were distributed to every household by ward members, Anganwadi and ASHA workers, Haritha Karma Sena and Kudumbashree volunteers. This collective effort ensured that every household in Chirakkadavu was covered by the program.

“Our democracy still has some shortcomings. Citizens with constitutional awareness are inevitable to define democracy in its complete sense. Chirakkadavu Grama Panchayat launched the unique Constitutional Literacy Program in the 2024-25 financial year. Chirakkadavu is probably the first panchayat in Kerala that proposed such a project in its annual plan,” Chirakkadavu Panchayat president Advocate C R Sreekumar said.

Adv CR Sreekumar, president of the Chirakkadavu panchayat. Photo: Nithin Paul
Adv CR Sreekumar, president of the Chirakkadavu panchayat. Photo: Nithin Paul

The KILA has given training to 23 people, who were then assigned as 'senators' to conduct the Constitutional awareness classes and pay home visits. These trained persons conducted awareness classes, visited homes, and for an entire year, poured their efforts into igniting curiosity and pride in the Constitution among the people of Chirakkadavu.

The senators would throw in a mix of history, local connections and, sometimes, profound emotions. “The Constituent Assembly initially had 389 members, later reduced to 299 after the partition. Among them was P T Chacko, a proud son of Chirakkadavu,” Amminiyamma, a senator, lights up with pride during one of her house visits. She goes on, this time with a voice swelling with emotion. “Our forefathers endured unimaginable struggles and sacrifices to elevate us from mere subjects to citizens blessed with constitutional rights. They gave us an identity, a name—India or Bharat—and the invaluable status of citizenship.”

An instructor trained by KILA visiting a house in Chirakkadavu panchayat. to spread awareness on the Indian Constitution. Photo: Nithin Paul
An instructor trained by KILA visiting a house in Chirakkadavu panchayat. to spread awareness on the Indian Constitution. Photo: Nithin Paul

The program’s centerpiece—a specially designed handbook covering the Constitution’s fundamental principles—has now become a cherished asset in every household. Beyond the examination, the panchayat organized quiz competitions at ward and school levels, making learning about the Constitution an engaging and community-driven celebration.

The year-long journey of empowerment and enlightenment will reach its grand culmination on January 26. Justice Antony Dominic will officially declare Chirakkadavu a 100% constitutionally literate panchayat during the Republic Day celebrations.

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