If you’re in search of a high-paying job, don’t miss the opportunity at the Kerala Highway Research Institute (KHRI). All the available positions are on a temporary basis. With competitive salaries and roles tailored for experienced individuals, this is your chance to advance your career.

Submit your applications online before December 12 to seize this opportunity.


Vacancy, eligibility, age limit, and salary

  • Structural Engineer
    Qualification: MTech in Structural Engineering
    Experience: 3–5 years
    Age limit: 40
    Salary: Rs 55,000–Rs 65,000
  • Geotechnical Engineer
    Qualification: MTech in Geotechnical Engineering
    Experience: 3–5 years
    Age limit: 40
    Salary: Rs 55,000–Rs 65,000
  • Content Writer and Communication Associate
    Qualification: BE/BTech (preference for Civil Engineering)
    Experience: 2 years
    Age limit: 30
    Salary: Rs.35,000

To submit your applications, visit this link: https://khri.kerala.gov.in/career

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