India’s Official Oscar Entry, ‘2018’- Everyone is a Hero’ is all set to create history in the US. The film will be released in more than 400 screens across South America, thereby witnessing a historic moment for the Indian film industry itself. Venu Kunnappilly under the banner of Kavya Films and Marcelo Bonzi of MB Films are the producers who have made this historical film journey possible.
Meanwhile, Venu said he is elated about watching the first Indian theatrical release in South America. Indie wood Distribution Network, the film sales arm of the Dubai-based Aries Group, opened the way for the '2018' film to South America. According to Maurizio Bonzi, CEO of MB Films, his mother who is a fan of Indian films inspired him to pursue this venture.
Director Jude Anthony is also currently in the US for the promotions of the film as the Oscars are just around the corner. "We are very happy with the love and support we are getting from the global audience. We are excited to know that '2018' will be a milestone. It is incredible to know that the release of '2018' in Latin America will be a milestone for Indian cinema itself. Apart from culture, the film gives a social message that inspires the audience. I am sure it will enter the hearts of the South American audience,” says Venu.
Filmmaker Marcelo Bonzi says he understands the global relevance of ‘2018’. “Situations like dam disasters and floods are a concern for all of us. It is a pleasure to introduce Indian cinema to South America through India's best cinema. Beyond the awards, we were drawn to the message about climate change. We have faced similar challenges and we believe this film will be an eye-opener. We are planning to release ‘2018’ in at least 400 theaters in the first phase.”
Maurizio admits that his mom has watched ‘RRR’ multiple times---“We felt it was time to bridge the gap between the Indian and Latin American film industries.”