Nayanthara has responded to the controversy over her film 'Annapoorani' by issuing 'sincere and heartfelt apologies'.
"In our sincere attempt to share a positive message, we may have inadvertently caused hurt," the actor said in a social media post on Thursday.
Her note, shared in English, Tamil and Hindi was headlined 'Jai Shri Ram'. She had been accused by a Shiv Sena leader of hurting the 'sentiments of the Hindu community' in the movie with a remark on Lord Ram.
OTT platform Netflix, which streamed the movie, took it down once the controversy emerged. In her note, Nayanthara expressed surprise at the turn of events. "We did not expect the removal of a censored film, previously showcased in theatres, from the OTT platform."
Nayanthara has said she is a believer, who 'frequently visits temples across the country'.