'Thalavan', the police procedural drama directed by Jis Joy is all set to make its OTT debut. The film revolves around two police officers, Jayashankar (Biju Menon) and Karthik (Asif Ali), and how one becomes a suspect in a murder case. In addition to Biju Menon and Asif Ali, the film features actors such as Dileesh Pothan, Miya George, Anusree, Kottayam Nazeer, and more.
Biju Menon has played several police characters in his career and he is definitely enigmatic in 'Thalavan.' Read review here. The movie also gave a major break to Asif Ali, who did not have any standout films in recent months.
The movie is commendable for avoiding excessive drama and maintaining a consistent tone throughout. Initially, the ego clashes between Asif Ali and Biju Menon might seem cliched, making it seem like Asif Ali is sticking to playing hot-headed characters. However, his character's temperament serves a meaningful purpose in the story. Read review here. The film will start streaming on SonyLiv from September 12.