Santhosh Pandit recently expressed his perspective on Honey Rose's complaint against businessman Boby Chemmanur, accusing him of sexual harassment. According to Pandit, while Honey Rose treated the matter with the seriousness it deserved, Boby Chemmanur appeared to take it lightly. Pandit also highlighted that there is no special dress code exclusively for Honey Rose in Kerala, stating that she is free to wear any attire permitted by law.

“As I understand, there are three parties involved in this issue: the actress, the prominent billionaire, and those making inappropriate comments,” Pandit remarked. “Let’s first address those who are not prominent personalities but still post such remarks. Social media is not a platform for frivolous comments. Everyone has the right to express their opinion, but it should always remain respectful and civil.”


He elaborated, “At times, emotions can run high, and we may also use harsh words. However, such situations must be handled carefully. If this issue goes to court, one must be prepared to justify their statements. Once comments cross the line, punishment becomes inevitable. Courts identify criminals by their intent, but using offensive language to insult a prominent actor or actress, whether as part of fan fights or otherwise, will certainly lead to legal consequences.”

Pandit also criticised Boby Chemmanur for making double-meaning remarks that some of his associates reportedly found amusing. Referring to the incident where Chemmanur allegedly addressed the actress as 'Kunti Devi', Pandit observed, “This term might not seem offensive to some, but for others, it carries obscene connotations. The actress reportedly expressed her discomfort to Chemmanur’s manager when the term was first used. If the billionaire had clarified matters with the actress at that time, this case wouldn’t have escalated. It’s unclear whether the manager communicated her concerns to him, but the term was repeated at another event, which ultimately led to the current case.”


Pandit further noted that Boby Chemmanur’s previous interviews suggest he has a history of making such remarks and finding humour in double-meaning phrases. “While people with a similar mindset might find it amusing, others may not find it acceptable. His earlier videos have now strengthened the case against him,” he added.
Addressing the ongoing debate over Honey Rose’s attire, Pandit stated, “There is no exclusive dress code for Honey Rose in Kerala. She has the freedom to wear any outfit allowed by law. People can choose to see or not to see—it’s not their concern. If a dress code is necessary, it should first apply to college students here.”

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