Cream cheese is a delicious and versatile ingredient that can elevate any meal, from savoury dishes like creamy dips and pasta sauces to indulgent desserts like cheesecakes and frosting. However, it’s often expensive, making it less accessible for many people. The good news is that you can make your own cream cheese at home using simple ingredients, and it’s easier than you might think!

If you find yourself with leftover milk that has started to curdle, don’t throw it away. Instead, use it to make homemade cream cheese. This is an excellent way to reduce food waste and create something delicious. With just a little effort, you can transform sour milk into a creamy, flavourful cheese perfect for your favourite dishes. Here's how you can do it!

1 litre (4 cups) sour milk
1/4 tsp salt (optional)
2–3 tbsp heavy cream (optional, for creaminess)

Pour the sour milk into a heavy-bottomed pan
Heat it gently over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until it’s hot but not boiling
If the milk hasn’t curdled completely, add 1–2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice
Stir gently until the curds (solids) and whey (liquid) separate
Place a cheesecloth or clean kitchen towel over a sieve set on a bowl
Pour the curdled mixture into the cloth to strain out the whey
Rinse the curds under cool water to remove any residual sourness
Gather the cloth and squeeze out as much liquid as possible
Transfer the curds to a blender or food processor
Add salt (if desired) and heavy cream for a smoother texture
Blend until creamy, adding more cream if needed
Transfer the cream cheese to an airtight container and refrigerate
Use within 5–7 days.

Tip for fresh milk:
If you're using fresh milk instead of sour milk, no worries! Simply heat the milk gently and add 2–3 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice to help it curdle. Once the milk separates into curds and whey, you can follow the same steps to make your homemade cream cheese!

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