Constructing a house adjacent to your neighbourhood? Check out the rules

Quite often, people get confused with even the minor rules and regulations of constructing a building. Hence, it's always better to get abreast about the same to avoid legal tangles later. Here are a few common, but important norms one should keep in mind while building a structure.

How much distance should be given from the road while constructing a building?

As per Building Regulations (KMBR-2019, KPBR-2019), while constructing a house, a minimum distance of 3 metres should be maintained from NH, SH, District Roads, Panchayat/ Municipality notified roads, and non-notified roads more than 6 metres wide. Maintain a minimum of 2 metres distance from other non-notified roads, which are less than six metres wide.

But the distance should be maintained according to town planning scheme, where it exists.

Can the building be constructed next to the neighbour's yard? If it can be built like that, can you provide some kind of openings on those sides? / Is there a provision to construct the building adjacent to the boundary?

Buildings belonging to residential, special residential, and commercial use categories and up to 7 meters in height may be constructed adjacent to the boundary on any side or rear or both with the consent of the owner of the neighbouring plot. However, no openings like windows and ventilator airholes should be provided on the sides of the building constructed in this way. In this way, if the building is built along the border according to the consent of the neighbouring owner, this neighbouring owner can build the above-described category of construction without the consent of the applicant.

Can the entire open space provided around the building be laid on the floor?

According to the rules, only half of the open space provided around the building should be paved. But if the entire open area is covered with a floor, the floor should be made of materials that allow rainwater to seep into the ground.

Do building regulations prescribe distance limits for constructions near water bodies?

Nothing of that sort has been specified in the Building Regulations. But the restriction stipulated in other rules/rules/approved plans and other statutory provisions shall be followed.

Can buildings in small plots (plots not exceeding 125 sqm) be constructed adjacent to the plot boundary?

Yes. If the height of the building is fixed at 7 meters, it can be constructed adjacent to the plot boundary as per Rule 26(4).

(Information Courtesy: Building Regulations (KMBR-2019, KPBR-2019))

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