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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 01:27 AM IST

Five girls whose stories have changed the world

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On the International Day of girl child, we list the names of the five girls whose tales have had an impact on people around the world:

1. Malala Yousafzia: The youngest recipient of the Noble Peace Prize, Malala Yousafzai continues to fight towards the right to education, especially among girls. A native of Mingora, Pakistan, she has won the hearts of the people across the globe.

Malala Malala Yousafzai

2. Anne Frank: Recognised as the girl who penned down one of the most honest accounts of the World War II, Anne Frank and her diary have moved readers around the world.

Anne Frank Anne Frank

3. Noujain Mustaffa: A disabled 16-year-old, Noujain Mustafa had fled Syria in a wheelchair and caught the attention of the world. She arrived on the Greek island of Lesbos in a rubber dinghy with her sister.

Noujain Mustaffa Noujain Mustaffa

4. Trisha Prabhu: Passionate to stop cyber bullying in adolescents, Trisha created the patent-pending product "ReThink" that stops cyber bullying at the source, before the bullying occurs.

Trisha Prabhu Trisha Prabhu

5. Kalayani Ramadurgam: Post the Boston Marathon bombing incident, Kalyani Ramadurgum realized the need for a better way to implement facial-recognition technology. She designed a program that can recognize faces that are looking away from the camera by combining information from both pixel patterns in the pictures and from independent facial features.

Kalyani Ramadurgam Kalyani Ramadurgam

Shouldn't we encourage more girls to attain greater heights?

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