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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:55 AM IST

Time for local body representatives to act

Dr P.P. Balan
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 Time for local body representatives to act Kochi mayor Soumini Jain

The first responsibility of newly elected local body administrations is to ensure that annual programmes of this financial year are completed in time, appropriately.

Changes cannot be made to the programmes that have been planned for this year. The first task of elected representatives is to review programmes so as to take stock of what all have been planned, completed, ongoing as well as pending tasks.

A detailed report from officers concerned would help them get an idea of the task cut out for them for the year.

Since there are many agencies that need to be coordinated, creating a calendar would be an ideal move in this direction.

Special care should be given to focus on construction works that have to be started after the rains subside. Similarly, officer bearers should collect all funds due to them and ensure that planned developmental activities are carried out as desired. Preference must be given to construction of decentralised, waste-management facilities.

Another task before the officials is creating the annual plan for 2016-17. This would require them to also consider the past five-year plan. The new plan should be submitted to the District Planning Committee before the end of January 31. This would need coordination between office bearers and the people as well as cooperation between neighbouring administrations.

In the coming years, local bodies need to focus on comprehensive growth of the agricultural sector. They also need to spearhead programmes that would increase jobs in the agricultural and small-scale industries sector.

Programmes aimed at water conservation such as rain water harvesting must also be taken forward keenly. If these measures can be coordinated at the district and block levels, things would be smoother for everyone.

Another point of focus is enhancing the health services. Work should be initiated to prevent communicable diseases and enhance immunisation initiatives. Similarly, thrust must also be provided to enhance education and schooling. Other areas of importance are housing, enhancing capabilities of the elderly, women, children and differently abled and continuing with the development of scheduled castes and tribes.

Office bearers need to be wary of challenges such as a drop in rainfall and climate changes and therefore they need to create new programmes to solve these issues.

Special focus also need to be given to better irrigation, water and soil conservation, potable water availability and so on.

Six months after taking office, the administration has to republish the charter of citizens rights. In three months 'Gramasabhas' have to be convened in which the president and permanent members should take part.

The new officer bearers should carry on from where the previous administration signed off without being limited by political considerations and motives.

_(The author is the Director of Kerala Institute of Local Administration) _

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