Modi's 'God sent me' remark: Can a divine being contest elections, Tharoor asks EC

Shashi Tharoor. Photo: Manorama

New Delhi: Congress leader and Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor had a question for the Election Commission (EC) over Prime Minister Narendra Modi's remark that he was god-sent and not born biologically.

Taking to the microblogging site X on Friday, Tharoor "innocently" asked the EC if "a divine being could be eligible for Indian citizenship" and if not, whether he had the right to vote or to contest elections. He further asked the EC to look into the question of a "self-proclaimed divinity participating in the electoral fray".

In a recent interview he gave to a Hindi news channel from his constituency Varanasi, Modi said he thought he was born biologically only till the time his mother was alive. "After she passed away, upon reflecting on all my experiences, I was convinced that God had sent me. This energy could not be from my biological body but was bestowed upon me by God. I believe God has given me abilities, inspiration and good intentions for a purpose. I am nothing but an instrument."

The opposition was quick to latch onto these remarks and use them to criticise the prime minister's alleged 'megalomania', depicting himself as a demigod amid the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. Congress leader and Wayanad MP Rahul Gandhi took a jibe at Modi saying if an ordinary person had made this statement, he would have been taken to a 'psychiatrist'.

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