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Last Updated Monday November 23 2020 02:26 PM IST

Migrant worker grills and eats stolen dog in TVPM

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Dog eat

Kazhakoottam: In a bizarre incident, a migrant worker stole a pet dog from the neighborhood before roasting it to treat himself to a ‘grand’ lunch of dog meat!

The police arrested Vikram, 25, a construction laborer hailing from Assam in connection with the incident.

The incident took place on Saturday afternoon near the Arasum Moodu Theepetti temple near Kazhakoottam, about 13 kilometers away from the state capital Thiruvananthapuram.

The one-and-a-half-year-old Doberman belonged to Harikumar of Shivam Bhavan who lives adjacent to the temple.

After being alerted by another migrant laborer, a group of headload workers from the area rushed to the spot, but the accused confronted them by wielding a knife.

In the melee, one of them, identified as Hari, suffered deep injuries in his shoulder.

He also assaulted the police officers attached to the Kazhakoottam station who attempted to take him into custody.

Vikram was an employee of the firm owned by Harikumar’s brother, which is engaged in supplying laborers to builders.

The accused allegedly killed the dog by slitting its throat through the kennel’s grill before breaking open the lock. He then dragged the dog to a bushy area in the vicinity and cut the animal into pieces before grilling and eating it.

The head-load workers overpowered Virkam and handed him over to the police.

After producing him in the court, the police took him to a mental health center. He is said to be a drug addict.  

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