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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:06 AM IST

India test-fires indigenously developed interceptor missile

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Interceptor missile Supersonic interceptor missile. Photo: Twitter image (DRDO)

» The test was conducted to validate various parameters of the interceptor in flight mode

» The missile, was engaged against an electronically prepared target, which simulated the trajectory of a hostile ballistic missile.

» The interceptor is a 7.5-meter long single stage solid rocket propelled guided missile

Balasore (Odisha): As part of efforts to develop a full fledged multi-layer Ballistic Missile Defence system, India Sunday test-fired its indigenously developed supersonic interceptor missile, capable of destroying any incoming ballistic missile, from a test range off Odisha coast.

"The test was conducted to validate various parameters of the interceptor in flight mode," said defence sources.

The interceptor, known as Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile, was engaged against an electronically prepared target which simulated the trajectory of a hostile ballistic missile.

After getting signals from tracking radars, the interceptor, positioned at Abdul Kalam Island (Wheeler Island), roared through its trajectory at around 0946 hrs to destroy the incoming missile mid-air, in an endo-atmospheric altitude, defence sources said.

The 'kill' effect of the interceptor was being ascertained by analysing data from multiple tracking sources," a Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) scientist said soon after the test was carried out.

The interceptor is a 7.5-meter long single stage solid rocket propelled guided missile equipped with a navigation system, a hi-tech computer and an electro-mechanical activator, the sources said.

The interceptor missile had its own mobile launcher, secure data link for interception, independent tracking and homing capabilities and sophisticated radars, the sources said.

(Onmanorama staff)

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