'Abraham Ozler', starring Jayaram, emerged as one of the highly anticipated Malayalam films of 2024. Released on January 11, 2024, the movie is directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas, renowned for his 2020 cult classic thriller 'Anjaam Pathiraa'. The story revolves around inspector Abraham Ozler and his team as they embark on a pursuit to apprehend two serial killers.
Despite boasting a star-studded cast, the mystery thriller received a mixed response from both audiences and critics alike. Nonetheless, many lauded it for its engaging storyline, deeming it an entertaining thriller.
Now, gearing up for its OTT debut, 'Abraham Ozler' is scheduled to start streaming on March 20 on the Disney+Hotstar platform. Produced by Irshad M. Hassan and Midhun Manuel Thomas under the banners of Nerambokku and Manual Movie Makers, respectively, the movie was written by Randheer Krishnan.