Deleting negative review is not enough; 'Marivillin Gopurangal' producer initiates action against Aswanth Kok

In light of the backlash directed at the recently premiered Malayalam flick 'Marivillin Gopurangal,' film producer Siyad Kokker has lodged a police complaint against online review bombings.
Confirming the move, Kokker stated that a formal complaint has been submitted to the city police commissioner. If no action is taken regarding the complaint, the reviewers responsible will be addressed directly, he told 'Manorama News.'

The producer's criticisms are targeted at the online reviewer Ashwanth Kok, who launched an extremely defamatory campaign against the movie 'Marivillin Gopurangal.' Kok also resorted to using abusive language against the film's crew, including its actors. In response, Siyad Kokker filed a police complaint on Saturday. Consequently, Ashwanth Kok removed the review from his online platform. Despite this, Siyad Kokker remains unsatisfied.

"In earlier times, reviewers used to maintain a level of decency, but nowadays, they've been replaced by those who resort to abusive language. To handle such elements, those in the film industry should unite. By the time the courts and law take their course, work on the next movie has already begun. There's no point in pursuing legal action. Who will compensate for the losses incurred by the cinema industry? People like him shouldn't be making a living this way," he said.

"There's no issue with registering opinions on a movie, but it should be done fairly. In this particular review, his comments aren't about the movie; instead, he tries to ridicule the producer and the actors. This conflict won't end even if he deletes the video.

The viewership for those who hurl abuses in the public sphere may indeed be higher. What I witnessed on the second day of the movie's release was that its director, women, and even the name of my daughter were singled out for ridicule. The review even mocks the songs of Vidyasagar, which have already garnered over 10 lakh viewers. I couldn't bear to listen to that review. I never interfere in anyone's affairs without reason. I am only against putting up a review in such a noxious manner.

"If attempts are being made to destroy one's product in such a sick manner, I too possess the democratic right to prevent this. What we should consider here is not his withdrawal. He should watch the movie again and state its review. The movie is being staged in full houses in almost all theatres in Ernakulam. I have lodged a complaint with the police on this matter.

I have just one thing to tell Ashwanth Kok. Just leave this job and find some better work. There are many ways one can make money," he said.
Siyad Kokker has entered the scene even as a complaint against review bombing is under consideration by the High Court. Mubeen Rauf, director of the movie 'Aromalinte Pranayam,' had earlier filed a petition alleging that review bombing caused the movie's downfall at the box office. The Amicus Curiae, in its report, also suggested that no reviews should be given for the first two days after a movie's release. However, vloggers, including Ashwanth Kok, have not heeded such directives and continue to post negative reviews of movies on YouTube.

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