Kalidas Jayaram has begun preparations for his wedding, which is set to take place on December 8 at Guruvayur. The bride is Tarini Kalingarayar. Photos and videos from the pre-wedding celebrations have gone viral on social media, capturing the excitement leading up to the big day. Jayaram shared an emotional message during the event.

"Today is the happiest day of my life," Jayaram said. "Kalidas's wedding is like a dream come true for us, and it is finally becoming a reality. During my shoots, I had heard so much about the Kalingarayar family. It is truly a blessing from God that Tarini is coming into our home as a daughter-in-law. I am deeply thankful to God for this."
He said, "The wedding will occur at Guruvayur on the 8th. Tarini is not just our daughter-in-law; she is like a daughter to us."

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