Fresh fruit juices offer a cooling respite during scorching summer days while packing a nutritious punch with vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Watermelon, mango, and classic lemon juices reign supreme during this season. However, hibiscus squash, crafted from fresh hibiscus flowers, has emerged as the latest addition to the array of tantalizing options.

To prepare, simply soak two or three hibiscus flowers in a glass of water until the vibrant colour infuses the liquid. Add ice cubes and soaked poppy seeds, sweetening with sugar or honey to taste. This hibiscus juice not only refreshes but is also effortlessly simple to make.

For a delightful twist, savoir the hibiscus-ramacham (vetiver)-mosambi juice, expertly crafted by Rajini Narendran.

5 hibiscus flowers
1 mosambi (sweet lime)
2 vetiver roots (ramacham)
1 tsp honey
2 glasses water
1 tsp black poppy seeds (kaskas)


Boil a glass of water with vetiver roots
Once boiled, remove from heat and add hibiscus petals
Cover and let steep for five minutes
Strain the infused water and allow it to cool
Meanwhile, soak poppy seeds in two tablespoons of water
Combine the hibiscus water, vetiver water, mosambi juice, and sugar or honey to taste
Stir it thoroughly
Pour into serving glasses filled with ice cubes
Enjoy the delicious and rejuvenating hibiscus drink.

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