According to ‘Lakshana Sasthra’ (astrology), the characters of a person can be learnt not only from the face and hands but also from the feet. The shape of the toes, their length, shape of the feet and size of the toes play a crucial role in the character formation of a person.

A brief look at the character science of women’s feet:


Big toe shorter than second one

In some women, the big toe would be shorter than the next one. Such women are most likely to be reluctant to follow the husband’s wishes. They may also be short-tempered. However, even though they do not obey others, these women could be capable and carry out all necessary tasks on their own. They may have leadership qualities and become noted figures in society.


Second toe longer than big toe

If the big toe is longer than other toes, the woman is likely to be energetic and hard working. She could have a special ability for multi-tasking. She also has the necessary tact to convey her ideas to others as well as turn her wishes into reality.


Such a woman is seen to stick to deadlines and carry out tasks to perfection. She is also most likely to make attempts to earn the goodwill of the spouse.

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