Ants may be tiny, but they may wreak havoc once they find their way into our homes. It is not easy to get rid of ants that set up their colonies inside the house. Besides, ants are mostly found in the interiors during the monsoon when there is moisture. When the colonies get flooded, the ants migrate to the nearby concrete structures where it is dry. They find refuge in your kitchen, isolated spots, drawers or even on your beds. Here are some easy ways to get rid of the ants from your house.

Chalk powder
Chalk powder that contains calcium carbonate can eliminate the ants. You could sprinkle chalk powder in their colonies or draw a few lines using chalk along their paths.

Sprinkle lemon juice wherever ants are seen or place lemon rinds there. The ants may get distracted by the smell of the lemon and get away. You could also squeeze a lemon in some water and then wipe the floor using it.

Grind orange peel into a fine paste by adding lukewarm water. Spread this paste at the spots where ants are seen. Wipe it off after some time. Placing orange peels on kitchen countertops or at places where ants may be seen too would keep them away.

Ants love anything that tastes sweet but they hate sourness, bitterness, or spiciness. Sprinkling pepper powder in places where ants are seen can be a great idea. You could also use crushed pepper-corns in case it is not possible to use pepper powder. Mixing pepper powder in some water and spraying it too would work. This is an easy method to get rid of ants without killing them.

Powdered salt could be used to keep away ants. Boil some water and mix generous amount of powdered salt in it. This solution could be sprayed at spots where ants are found.

Ants cannot withstand the pungent smell of vinegar. Take equal amounts of water and vinegar, now add a few drops of essential oil to it. Spray this liquid on the window sills and between the gaps on doors. Unable to stand the smell, the ants that try to get inside through doors and windows would withdraw. 

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