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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:17 AM IST

Egypt court acquits former president Mubarak of protesters' killing

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Egypt court acquits former president Mubarak of protesters' killing Hosni Mubarak | File Photo

Cairo: An Egyptian court issued a final verdict on Thursday confirming acquittal of former president Hosni Mubarak on the charges of being responsible for killing protesters who joined the 2011 uprising that ended his three-decade rule, official MENA news agency reported.

Mubarak, 89, who is currently staying in a military hospital in Cairo, has previously been acquitted of the same charges in 2015, but the prosecution then appealed the verdict.

Thursday's ruling, issued by the Court of Cassation, is considered final and unappealable.

This was the second retrial after Mubarak was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2012 and then acquitted of the same charges two years later.

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