Actor and TV show host Mithun Ramesh, who was hospitalised following an attack of Bell’s Palsy nearly two weeks ago, has revealed that he is recovering swiftly. The actor, in a recently released video, said his condition has improved 98 per cent “I have recovered 98 per cent. Only two per cent recovery is remaining. I hope to recover fully within a few days, which will be possible through constant physiotherapy,” he said.
Bell's Palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. A few celebrities, including Justin Bieber had been affected by this same condition in the past. Mithun was admitted to the Ananthapuri Hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. According to him, his face seemed partially paralysed, because of which he couldn't move one side of his face while smiling. He also found it difficult to close both eyes at the same time.
Doctors had earlier stated that this disease is now seen in people who have recovered from Covid-19. Beena Antony’s husband Manoj was earlier diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy.