Bollywood actor Alia Bhatt has taken on the role of executive producer for the crime series 'Poacher', which features Nimisha Sajayan and Roshan Mathew in leading roles. The series, created by Emmy-award winning filmmaker Richie Mehta, is based on true events and delves into the largest ivory poaching ring in Indian history.

Alia Bhatt recently shared a series of photos with the crew of 'Poacher', expressing her enthusiasm for the project. In her caption, she described 'Poacher' as one of the best shows she's seen in a long time, expressing gratitude for being involved in such powerful storytelling. She mentioned that the series not only entertains but also leaves a lasting impact on viewers.

Nimisha Sajayan, who plays a pivotal role in 'Poacher', was praised by Alia Bhatt in the caption. Describing Nimisha as her favourite actor of all time, Alia emphasised her performance as the 'beating heart' of the series.
'Poacher' aims to merge the worlds of environmental conservation and entertainment, shedding light on a pressing global issue – illegal poaching.

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