Actor Sonu Sood, preparing for the release of his upcoming film 'Fateh', has regained access to his WhatsApp after hours of being blocked. He took to Instagram to appeal to the platform after his account was inaccessible for nearly 60 hours, causing distress as people in need reached out to him for help.
On Sunday, Sonu once again updated his 27.7 million followers about the status of his account.
The actor shared that he had over 9,000 unread messages within a span of 61 hours.
"Finally retrieved my WhatsApp. Just 9,483 unread messages in 61 hours. Thanks," he wrote.
Previously, the actor turned to X (formerly known as Twitter), and wrote: "My number does not work on @WhatsApp. I have been facing this problem many times. I feel it's time for you guys to upgrade your services (sic)."
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor will soon be seen in 'Fateh'. The film also stars Jacqueline Fernandez in the lead role and marks Sonu's directorial debut.
Produced by Shakti Sagar Productions and Zee Studios, the movie revolves around the complexities and challenges of cybercrime.
The film will also feature some action sequences supervised by Hollywood stunt expert Lee Whittaker.
‘Fateh’ is all set to hit screens this year.
(With IANS inputs)