One of the most important things to notice in order to keep your kitchen environment safe and clean is to ensure the hygiene of your kitchen sink. With constantly coming into contact with food particles and other perishables, kitchen sinks are easy breeding grounds for bacteria.

It is important to clean the sink regularly to prevent such a situation. For your daily cleaning, using liquid soap would be enough. But in the long run, it won't do. You will have to do a thorough weekly cleaning to properly clean your sink. Here is an easy method to do it by using two easily available ingredients from the kitchen:


• Sprinkle some baking soda and salt in the sink.

• Now, scrub well using an iron mesh or a scrubber for two minutes.


• Pour some liquid soap and scrub again.

• Wash everything off using clean water.


• The sink would now be squeaky clean.

Watch video demonstration here

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