Here is the ideal time to see the Vishu Kani this year

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Misfortune often affects not only individuals but also houses, institutions, villages, cities, countries and even the world as a whole. In fact, every object created by the almighty would have to face such an extreme adversity at least once during the period of its existence.
When one person suffers setbacks, we can easily identify the problems. Similarly, when a house or an institution faces ill luck, we panic. In case a town or a nation goes through bad times, anxiety grips all of us.
However, our wise ancestors have suggested various rituals and traditions that when followed sincerely can help us face any misfortune with confidence. In other words, the essence of all rituals is such a positive message to humanity. But over the years, many of these rituals have been turned into mere celebrations. Ironically, during these difficult times, we are forced to observe the celebrations as simple rituals.
With the festival of Vishu which is an inseparable part of the lives of Keralites coinciding with these times of misfortune, all of us have no option but to welcome it as a ritual, avoiding all celebrations. In short, positive thoughts during Vishu would certainly lead us to better times.
This year, the Sun enters the sign of Aries (Meda Ravi Sankramam) at 8.26 pm on Monday in the Malayalam month of Meenam 31, year 1195. This coincides with April 13, 2020 in the Gregorian year. As the ‘Sankramam’ takes place after evening, the first day in the Malayalam month of Medam falls on Tuesday (April 14, according to the English calendar). As the divine ‘kani’ on Vishu has to be observed during the first daybreak in the month of Medam, the festival is on Tuesday.
The ‘kani’ would not be effective without the presence of the Sun, who is the reason of our existence. Ideal time to watch Vishu ‘kani’ is two hours from sunrise. Incidentally, Jupiter travels in a favourable direction during sunrise this year and the propitious time to observe ‘kani’ in India is from 5.54 am to 7.03 am on April 14.