Abu Dhabi: The UAE has been experiencing a rise in the number of flu cases in winter. Almost 60 per cent of the patients visiting the hospitals are reportedly there to seek treatment for some flu. Meanwhile, doctors have been urging people to strengthen their immune systems by getting the flu vaccines as there are chances for multiple viral infections in the season. The doctors added that although seasonal viruses are sweeping through communities, there is no reason to panic. Those who have a weak immune system, allergies like asthma and diabetes and heart and kidney patients should avoid visiting crowded places.

Doctors advise patients to wear masks and wash their hands to avoid infections. Meanwhile, children who have visited various countries during the vacation are now back for school reopening, intensifying the extent of viral infections. Meanwhile, more than one virus is detected in influenza patients. The UAE started the seasonal flu vaccine campaign in October last year to educate people about the significance of vaccination.


Symptoms of influenza
Influenza is a winter flu whose symptoms last for days. Fever, cold, sneezing, headache, nausea, loss of appetite, throat infection, stomach pain, vomiting and fatigue are some of its symptoms. It is a communicable disease that can be treated. In children, influenza requires medical attention within 48 hours. Those who suffer from respiratory illnesses, too, should seek immediate medical treatment.

Keep children at home
The Ministry of Health, in its advisory, urges parents not to send sick children to school. The flu will spread rapidly in the closed classrooms.
Maintaining personal hygiene, washing hands at intervals, wearing masks, attending schools, offices and public events only after completely recovering and staying away from flu patients are some precautions against Influenza. Besides, patients should avoid consuming cold food. They should eat well, drink lots of water to keep the body hydrated and take sufficient rest.


Flu vaccine
Children from six months onwards and even the elderly can get the flu shots. Children below nine who haven’t received the vaccine should be given two doses of flu vaccines, one month apart, in the first year. Meanwhile, people over nine require only one yearly flu vaccine shot. The vaccines can be bought from selected pharmacies by those above 18. Flu vaccines are available free of cost for pregnant women, those above 50, patients diagnosed with severe illnesses, children below five, health workers and low-income labourers; others have to pay 50 AED for the vaccine shots.