Methods that may sound simple, but create wonders in conserving water

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With climate change taking a toll on normal weather patterns across the world and ecosystems bearing the brunt of nature's vagaries it's advisable to remain cautious and prepared for climatic extremes. Water conservation should thus be the top priority in this context as summer months, characterized by drought and a scarcity of fresh water, are approaching. The first lessons in conserving water resources must start at home. Attention to minor details can significantly reduce unnecessary water wastage.
- Many individuals leave the tap running continuously while brushing their teeth, resulting in substantial water loss. So make it a habit to turn on the tap only when necessary while brushing.
- The volume of water flushed in an average household daily can equate to the total amount of water consumed by an individual in a month. Therefore, it is essential to consider certain practices when using the toilet flush. If the toilet cistern or tank releases water with excessive force and volume, consider installing a water displacement device. This modification can decrease the amount of water used per flush by one or two litres.
- When purchasing a new toilet, opt for a low-flush or dual-flush model that minimizes water usage. Regular toilets typically use nine litres per flush, whereas low-flush models require only six litres.
- Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when they are fully loaded with clothes or dishes to clean. Running these appliances for just a few items can lead to significant water waste, as standard washing machines consume approximately 60 litres of water per cycle. Make sure that you have a sufficient quantity of items to wash, and utilize the half-load or economy setting when you need to wash a few clothes.
- It is unnecessary to rinse dishes with plain water prior to placing them in the dishwasher, as the appliance is designed to clean them effectively. Rinsing dishes before putting them in the dishwasher is an unnecessary waste of water.
- Timely repair of leaks is crucial to avoid water wastage. Even a minor leak of two drops per second can lead to significant water loss over the course of the day. If you notice any leaks, they should be addressed immediately. Additionally, the installation of a leak detection system can prove advantageous.
- Installing a rainwater collection tank can be helpful in collecting water for purposes such as watering plants, washing cars, etc. Furthermore, it is advisable to irrigate lawns and plants only when necessary.
- Water utilized for purposes other than toilet flushing can be repurposed as grey water. Using filtered water from showers, bathrooms, and wash basins for watering plants and other uses is an effective method for conserving water.
- Regularly comparing your water bills can help identify any unusual spikes in usage. If you notice an increase in water consumption, it is important to take steps to control it.
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