Alappuzha: A total of 18 pigs were culled on Monday following the outbreak of African Swine Flu (ASF) in Thannermukkom panchayat in Alappuzha.

The District Animal Husbandry officials took swift action after the highly contagious, deadly viral disease was detected at a private farm located in ward number 5 of the panchayat the other day.

“Nine pigs and nine piglets on two farms were culled this morning and the carcasses were buried as per protocols. An area of one km around the pig farm, where the infection had been detected, was declared as an infected area,” said Sajeev Kumar K R, Deputy Director, AHD. The distribution and sale of pork in the area and its transportation to other places have been banned temporarily.

Though the flu is not a threat to human health and cannot be transmitted from pigs to humans, it spreads quickly and causes heavy economic loss, the official pointed out.

Two pigs had died at the private farm after showing the symptoms two days ago. The test held at the laboratory of the National Institute of High-Security Animal Diseases, Bhopal, confirmed the disease.

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