Heavy showers: Teen, elderly woman drown in Kozhikode

Representational image: iStock Photo/ Urbazon

Kozhikode: Two persons including a student drowned in separate incidents during the heavy showers in Kozhikode on Friday.
A 14 year old boy drowned in a temple pond on Friday morning. SJ Sanjay Krishna, a 10th grade student from St Joseph's Anglo Indian Boys Higher Secondary School and a resident of Azhchavattom drowned in the pond of Azhchavattom Siva temple.

The boy ventured into the temple pond with his friends. They were returning home after tuition classes. According to reports. the boy didn't know how to swim. Though the fire force rescuers reached the spot and rushed him to the hospital, he couldn't be saved.

Sanjay Krishna is survived by father Jayaprakash (Malabar Medical College Canteen), mother Swapna and sister Shreesha. Funeral is over at Mankavu crematorium.

An 85 year old woman Radha Mathottam drowned in a canal in the outer city. She had gone to the Mundakan canal in Mathottam for washing clothes. Her clothes were found on the banks of the canal. The body was spotted in Koyavalappu area, half kilometres away from the spot, after a search by the fire force and locals. Panniyankara police completed the inquest procedures and shifted the body for an autopsy. She is survived by daughter Komalavally.

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