Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan is not done with the row over the warning system for natural disasters, which was kicked off by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. In his Independence Day speech on Thursday, he pointed out the need to have a system for accurate forecasting of natural calamities, not general warnings, almost like an addendum to his earlier reply to Amit Shah.
“Progress in science and technological fields is not benefiting our country in issuing early warnings on natural disasters. Apart from general warnings, accurate forecasting of natural disasters is the need of the hour. Many countries have a system for this. I wish, our country would adopt such an advanced method to take necessary precautions against natural calamities,” said Pinarayi Vijayan in light of the massive landslides that killed hundreds and displaced thousands in Wayanad.
This demand for an accurate system runs contrary to what Amit Shah had said in the parliament. Amit Shah said that India is among the top four-five countries to have the capability to forecast disasters, seven days in advance. He added that most of the countries can make such forecasts only three days in advance. Since 2014, the Government of India has spent Rs 2,323 crore on Early Warning Systems to ensure the safety and security of the people and alerts are being shared with all stakeholders. Information is sent to all the states and UTs, a week in advance and that information is available for everyone on the website, Shah had told the parliament a day after landslides hit Wayanad.
He went on to add that work has been done to install the world's most modern Early Warning System in India. Shah even said that if the opposition is not aware of the Early Warning System then it is not a good situation but if they have the knowledge and are merely doing politics then it is unfortunate.
Pinarayi Vijayan had earlier refuted Shah's claims that Kerala ignored the Centre's warnings. Kerala CM had said that none of the central government agencies issued a red alert ahead of landslides in Wayanad.