The researchers used the mini-organs, such as mini-brains, mini-lungs and mini-eyes, which Bjoras's team has been working on growing since 2018, to test drugs and gene therapy.
Along with lifestyle factors genetics too plays a vital role in determining an individual's predisposition to develop the diabetic condition.
To collect the cells and their secretions, the researchers used microscopic, bowl-shaped hydrogel containers called nanovials, which were developed in prior UCLA research.
The findings shed new light on diversity in voice and speech and contribute to a better understanding of the human vocal system.
The team from University College London discovered the biology underpinning a rare genetic mutation that allows the Scottish woman named Jo Cameron to live virtually pain-free.
A large international study jointly led by Uppsala University in Sweden and the Broad Institute in the US, analysed the genomes of 240 mammal species.
The analyses suggest that genes related to one of the body's systems responsible for lowering blood pressure appear to be excessively 'turned on' in the lung fluid cells of those with the virus.
Researchers also identified lifestyle, environmental and other disease factors documented in the medical records that are associated with heart problems.
Although dogs and other pets are common household members around the globe, little is known how they impact our daily life and health, researchers said.
The researcher, He Jiankui, said he altered embryos for seven couples during fertility treatments, with one pregnancy resulting thus far.