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Compared to other countries, Indians are genetically prone to heart-related diseases.
Earlier lifestyle diseases were linked to adults only, but now, children are also victims.
These are generally called prodromal symptoms and can help us take required precautions against the disease.
On and off, videos claiming that people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest could be saved by making them chew a piece of ginger circulate on social media.
ICU ambulance, equipped with a defibrillator and ventilator, has been arranged to transport patients with severe health conditions to other hospitals.
Good cholesterol helps remove excess cholesterol, while bad cholesterol (LDL) can clog arteries and increase heart disease risk.
The risk of heart ailments may be missed in your regular health checkup.
The heart muscles of the patients suffering from this condition often weaken and enlarge.
When young adults die unexpectedly, stress is often blamed — even before the cause of death is determined.
The singer passed away in May, 2022.
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